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BCA mobile:
Buat Apa Susah

Bank commercials have one formula that makes all of them looks and sounds similar. We decided to break it and go with a dramatic comedy approach by singing out a jingle that’s filled with relatable daily insights.

The entertaining story and well-known song make it easier for younger targets to remember BCA mobile as the solution for all the reasons why people can’t get to the bank and open a bank account.

Instead of making a boring tutorial video that no one can’t stand to watch, we use the same comedy tone & manner and makes it much more entertaining.

The success of the first campaign leads to another jingle request. The expectation is high and virality becomes one of the benchmarks.

This time, we use different arrangements and add an extra benefit to the argument: BCA mobile’s advanced features. Using funny relatable situations and characters allows us to inject as many features as we want. 

“Challenged to maintain the first version’s virality, this version went beyond expectations as it becomes one of Youtube’s Top 10 Favorite Ads in 2019.”

Agency: Flock

Year: 2019


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